MC Director Guest Blogs about ACES and Trauma Informed Care

Leslie Lieberman, MSW, Director of Multiplying Connections, mixes things up with  Randall Reitz, PhD,  Director of Behavioral Science at the St Mary's Family Medicine Residency in Colorado.  In a "Point Counter Point" blog for the Collaborative Family Health Care Association Reitz and Lieberman discuss the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.  Dr. Reitz, finds the ACE data compelling but is not sure it has a place in primary care.  Ms. Lieberman responds that the ACE data are a call for action to provide trauma informed services in primary care as well as elsewhere.

 Read the complete blog here.  Ms. Lieberman presented on the topic of trauma informed care as an imperative for collaborative health care models at CFHA's annual conference last fall . Click here for the PDF slides from this presentation.

Dr. Vince Felitti, co-principal investigator of the ACES study, adds his comments... "If we really want to be effectively helpful, it is generally important to understand the core issues involved, not just their most obvious symptoms.  We no longer accept Fever as a diagnosis.  We want to know 'Fever due to What' so we can treat the 'What'.  Read Dr. Felitti's complete response here.