MC Presents at Zero to Three National Training Institute

In December 2010 Leslie Lieberman, Sue Badeau and Sophia Hwang traveled to Phoenix, Arizona to present information about Multiplying Connections at the Annual Zero to Three  National Training Institute which was attended by over 2,000 early childhood professionals from around the County.  The MC presentation focused on the centerpiece of the Becoming Trauma Informed Part II workshop - CAPPD.  CAPPD is an acronym created by MC which stands for stay CALM, be ATTUNED, ATTENTIVE and PREDICTABLE and DO NOT ESCALATE when the child escalates.  According to Bruce Perry, MD these are five of the best things caregivers can do for children who have experienced trauma.  In the BTI II workshop participants are provided with opportunities to observe these skills in action in short video clips, practice them in small group activities and develop strategies and tools for applying them in their day to day work.  Participants at the NTI Conference found the information inspiring, informational and useful.  Some comments included:

  • Best session of the day
  • Very interesting content.  This session totally engaged me
  • Excellent visuals and video.  Great information
  • I am going to use this information in my next employee orientation
  • All presenters were great, informative, and sensitive
