Bradford used a deliberate process to build support for this practice change on multiple levels, recognizing that buy-in would be needed by both the top management of the agency and its umbrella agency Liberty Lutheran, as well as by the managers and supervisors who would be responsible for implementation. She selected key staff to learn about reflective supervision and the benefits it could provide to the staff and clients of LCFS and then convened a working group composed of administrative, management and supervisory staff. Inviting Cairns and Lieberman to join the working group, and reaching out to the organization’s Nurse-Family Partnership program that had been utilizing Reflective Supervision for several years established a collaborative tone from the beginning. This group met bi-monthly to develop a vision and plan that would ensure that Reflective Supervision would be successfully embraced as part of an agency-wide culture shift towards increased trauma-informed care. As a result, LCFS was successful in getting both their executive director, Richard Gitlin and Liberty Lutheran’s President and CEO Dr. Luanne Fisher onboard.